Chimera Keyboard Shortcuts (Accelerators)
Keyboard shortcuts are disabled by default, but can be enabled:
- with the command ac
- by starting Keyboard Shortcuts
(for example, with Tools... General Controls... Keyboard Shortcuts)
and turning on Enable keyboard shortcuts;
this also enables shortcuts automatically in subsequent uses of Chimera
The following keyboard shortcuts are included with Chimera
(and more can be defined):
-- Last updated April 16, 2008 --
Opening, Saving, Closing
op | Open
| os | Open session
| ff | Fetch file from web
| ol | Open last file
| ok | Open 2nd to last file
| oj | Open 3nd to last file
| o2 | Open last 2 files
| o3 | Open last 3 files
| lo | Show names of files last opened (via
dialog or
accelerator only)
| si | Save image
| Ss | Save
| ss | Save session as
| Ca | Close all models
| Cs | Close session
| Qt | Quit Chimera
Move Viewpoint or Models
va | View all models
| so | Standard orientation
| fo | Focus
| x9 | Turn 90 degrees about x axis
| y9 | Turn 90 degrees about y axis
| z9 | Turn 90 degrees about z axis
| sv | Show Side
View dialog
| cr | Set center of rotation
| a0 |
model 0 (toggle)
| a1 | Activate model 1 (toggle)
| a2 | Activate model 2 (toggle)
| a3 | Activate model 3 (toggle)
| aa | Activate all models
| ao | Activate only selected models
| ar | Inactivate active models and activate inactive models
| at | Activate all models and remember which were inactive;
used again, inactivates remembered models
| Op | Original model positions
(reset default)
| wt | Write relative transformation matrices
| na nd nf nz |
SpaceNavigatorTM (3D mouse) settings
Selecting Objects
sa | Select all
| cs | Clear selection
| is | Invert selection (selected models)
| iS | Invert selection (all models)
Molecule Display
da | Display atoms
| ha | Hide atoms
| Da | Delete atoms and bonds
| wr | Wire representation
| st | Stick representation
| sp | Sphere representation
| bs | Ball & stick representation
| bb | Backbone only
| ct | Show chain trace only
| sx | Show side chains only
| rr | Round ribbon
| re | Edged ribbon
| rf | Flat ribbon
| hr | Hide ribbon
| rh | Hide ribbon
| sf | Show surface
| sF | Surface selected atoms
| hs | Hide surface
Molecule Zones and Selections
sc | Select connected atoms/bonds
| c3 | Find 3-Å contacts between selected and unselected atoms
| c5 | Find 5-Å contacts between selected and unselected atoms
| zd | Show
zone dialog
| zn | Select zone using
zone dialog
Comparing Domain Orientation
| Superimpose two structures using
selected backbone atoms with matching residue/chain IDs
| ai
| Show transformation between two structures using
selected backbone atoms with matching residue/chain IDs
Multimeric Molecules and Symmetry
bu | Show molecule biological unit using
| xc | Extend multiscale selection to sequence copies
Opening, Saving, Closing Volume Data
ov | Open volume
| vs | Show volume
| fv | Show full volume
| vh | Hide volume
| vR | Remove volume
| vv | Show Volume Viewer dialog
| wg | Write GRASP surface file
| xs | Export scene
Surface Display
co | Color selected surfaces
| fs | Show selected surfaces in filled style
| ms | Show selected surfaces using mesh style
| Ds | Delete selected surfaces
| Sc | Split selected surfaces into connected pieces
| ts | Toggle surface selectability
| cm | Show Surface
Color dialog
| cp | Show Surface
Capping dialog
| sz | Resize selected surfaces with mouse (single drag with button 3)
Segmenting and Filtering Volume Data
eb | Erase volume data inside
selection box
| es | Erase volume data inside sphere
| eo | Erase volume data outside sphere
| ez | Copy volume with zeros inside
| FT | Show Fourier transform
| Im | Invert map values
| sm | Split map by color zone
| u8 | Interpret MRC signed 8-bit map as unsigned
| vm | Mask volume inside selected surfaces
| wv | Make writable copy of volume data
| zb | Zero volume boundary
| zB2 | Zero volume boundary for step size 2
| zB4 | Zero volume boundary for step size 4
| zv | Copy volume with zeros outside
Measure Area, Volume, Length ...
ma | Measure area
of selected surfaces
| md | Measure mean,
standard dev, rms of volume data
| mv | Measure volume
of selected surfaces
| pL | Show total length of selected bonds for each model
| pl | Show total length of selected bonds
| sd | Measure distance from selected atoms/markers to surface
ab and ai - superimpose and compare backbone segments
that have the same sequences, numbering, and chain identifiers.
Atoms from exactly two models must be
selected, and atoms other
than CA (proteins) and P (nucleic acids) are ignored.
Only atoms with the same name, residue type, residue number, and chain
identifier are paired; ab performs a least-squares fit and
applies the resulting transformation, whereas ai does not apply
the transformation but shows it with two rectangular slabs colored to
match the structures. Both ab and ai report the RMSD,
number of atom pairs, and angle of rotation in the
status line
and Reply Log.
One application is to measure changes in relative domain orientation in
different conformations of a multidomain protein. For example, the
thioredoxin reductase structures 1f6m and 1tde differ by a rotation
of one domain relative to the other. They are different conformations
of essentially the same protein and are numbered in the same way
(chains other than A can be deleted).
After selection of one domain (approximately residues 1-117, 245-320) in
both structures, ab could be used to superimpose that domain.
The selection could then be
inverted to
encompass the other domain (approximately residues 118-244) in both
structures and ai used to compute the transformation,
in this case a rotation of ~67°.
This conformational change is described in
Lennon et al., Science 289:1190 (2000).
The two accelerators do not have to be used together;
the first domain could be superimposed manually or with
MatchMaker before
ai is used to compare the orientations of the second domain.
bv - Extend periodic map to cover selected atoms.
Creates a new map that covers the currently
selected atoms plus 5 Å
padding on all sides. The map is derived from the
current set of data
(active map) in Volume Viewer.
If the atoms plus padding extend beyond the bounds of
the active map, then it is assumed that the active map is periodic along
all three axes (such as a unit cell crystallographic density map). The
new map is displayed using the thresholds and colors of the original map
and the original map is undisplayed.
Im - Invert map values.
If the map value type is signed (e.g. 32-bit float or signed 16-bit integer),
each value is multiplied by -1. For unsigned 8-bit maps, the values are
multiplied by -1 and 255 is added so that the values remain unsigned.
For other unsigned maps, the values are multiplied by -1 and the
maximum map value is added so that the map remains unsigned.
The accelerator acts on the
current set of data
in Volume Viewer.
A copy of the map is made unless the map is itself a copy (for example,
made using wv, zb, or
Volume Eraser).
The original file is not modified. Use the volume dialog menu
Save map as...) to save the inverted map.
sd - Measure distance from selected atoms/markers to surface.
The distance from each selected
atom or path
tracer marker to each displayed surface is printed in the
Reply Log. Example:
Distance from #0:18.water@O to surface MSMS main surface of 1a0m.pdb
d = 2.09, surface point (3.14, -1.28, 7.85), side 1
The coordinates of the nearest surface point and the side of the
surface that the point lies on (+1 = outside, -1 = inside) are given. The
closest surface point may lie within a triangle, on a triangle edge,
or at a triangle vertex of the triangulated surface. If multiple
surface points are equidistant, only one is reported.
The calculation has been implemented in C++ for better performance.
u8 - Interpret MRC signed 8-bit map as unsigned.
The MRC volume file format does not support unsigned 8-bit map values. Some EM
tomography programs use it to hold unsigned 8-bit values (0-255) with
the data type in the file header incorrectly indicating that the
values are signed 8-bit (-128 to 127). Use the u8 accelerator to
reinterpret the data values as unsigned 8-bit. The original file is
not modified. The accelerator acts on the
current set of data
in Volume Viewer. It only works on MRC format maps.
UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory