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STORM Format

STORM (STochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy) is a multicolumn text format used for volume data. Example:

channel	Xc	Yc	Zc	h	Width	BG
1	76572.9405	23938.7295	986.688	4540.89307	413.33878	459.85782
1	77531.419	22539.2475	1081.48	4892.64795	340.72983	482.17697
1	76570.97	22831.43275	985.392	5829.56201	431.52991	510.14801

The columns can be separated by spaces or tabs (any whitespace). The open command STORM reader makes a sum of Gaussians with center at (Xc,Yc,Zc), Gaussian height h, and the specified Width as full width at half maximum. The first line is ignored, and the BG (background) values are not used.

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / March 2020