HappyDoc Generated Documentation | Class: DCD | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/ . / Trajectory / DCD / MDToolsMarch97 / md_DCD.py / DCD Reads from a DCD file. Data: dcdfile, file, posNSET, NSET, ISTART, NSAVC, NAMNF, DELTA, remarks, NTITLE, N, FREEINDEXES, fixed, pos1, pos2, rlen, numframes, numatoms Methods: d = DCD(dcdfile) - open dcdfile and read header len(d) - return number of frames d[10] - return a frame as an array s = d.asel() - return a selection of dummy atoms for all atoms in d sf = d.aselfree(mol) - return a selection from mol of the free atoms in d sf2 = d.aselfree() - return a selection of dummy atoms for free atoms in d sf.getmolframe(d[10]) - load only free atoms from d into mol See also: AtomGroup, ASel