General Changes:
- Due to support soon being impossible for the obsolete Opal web service infrastructure on UCSF RBVI servers, as many services as possible were ported over to use the newer web service infrastructure used by ChimeraX. The services that were ported were: Blast, Modeller, Clustal Omega, Muscle. The CCD template fetching service used for connectivity of non-standard residues in mmCIF files was changed to get the templates from the RCSB rather than RBVI servers. Services that were not possible to port were: Anchor Graph, CDK Depiction, MDA BlastP, MultiFit, SAXS/SAXS2.
- The current Chimera scene can be exported for use in ChimeraX by using the File→Export Scene menu item and changing the format in the resulting dialog to "ChimeraX". This will create a Python file (.py suffix) that can be opened in ChimeraX using any of the normal means for opening files (File→Open menu item; "open" command).
Tool Changes:
- Model Panel (General Controls) — The Model Panel now has the same optional show/active next/previous/skip capability that the command line has. Use the Model Panel's "Configure" button to enable the Skip column and the Next/Previous buttons.
Notable Bug Fixes:
- UniProt fetching working again (UniProt web site API changed)
Known Bugs:
- surfaces fail for some structures