HappyDoc Generated Documentation | ./DelphiViewer/DelPhiGlobals.py | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
/ . / DelphiViewer / DelPhiGlobals.py File: DelPhiGlobals.py Date: 06.12.2000 Description: Contains global classes, variables, and methods that DelPhi* modules can use and abuse. Imports: - tempfile - Tkinter - tkFileDialog - Pmw - chimera - chooseModels from ModelBrowser.ModelPicker - * from DelPhiHelp Classes: - DelPhiOption - BooleanOption(DelPhiOption) - ScalarOption(DelPhiOption) - IntegerScalarOption(DelPhiOption) - RealScalarOption(DelPhiOption) - MenuOption(DelPhiOption) - FileOption(DelPhiOption) - InputFileOption(FileOption) - ExecFileOption(InputFileOption) - OutputFileOption(FileOption) - BoundaryConditionOption(MenuOption) - EnergyOption - MoleculeInputOption(DelPhiOption) Caveats: Last modified: 06.19.2000 - Added. 07.07.2000 - Organized and such. 12.12.2006 - Added ExecFileOption.