
The camera mode refers to any of several stereo and mono viewing options. The camera mode of the Chimera graphics window can be controlled with the command stereo, the Camera tool, or the menu raised by double-clicking the eye position in the Side View. It can also be specified at Chimera startup with --stereo. The Image camera mode (used for saving image files) can differ from the mode shown in the graphics window.

Available camera modes:

Sequential Stereo - Limitations

Sequential stereo is only supported on workstation-class graphics cards with graphics drivers configured for stereo (e.g., ATI FireGL/FirePro and NVidia Quadro graphics cards for Windows and Linux, NVidia Quadro for Mac OS X).

For sequential stereo on Macs, the Aqua version of Chimera may be preferred over the X Windows (X11) version. The latter requires enabling X11 for stereo by entering the following in a Terminal window:

defaults write enable_stereo -bool true
X11 must be restarted after this setting is changed. The setting is saved in the ~/Library/Preferences directory and will apply to future sessions.

UCSF Computer Graphics Laboratory / November 2011