Help on class Residue in module _molecule: class Residue(_chimera.Selectable) | Not instantiable from Python | | Method resolution order: | Residue | _chimera.Selectable | libwrappy2.WrapPy | __builtin__.object | | Methods defined here: | | __cmp__(...) | x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y) | | __eq__(...) | x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y | | __ge__(...) | x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y | | __gt__(...) | x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y | | __hash__(...) | x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) | | __le__(...) | x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y | | __lt__(...) | x.__lt__(y) <==> xx!=y | | __str__ = _labelFunc(item) | | addAtom(...) | addAtom(element: Atom) | | atomNames(...) | atomNames() -> set of unicode | | bestAltLoc(...) | bestAltLoc() -> str | | bondedResidues(...) | bondedResidues() -> list of Residue | | bondedTo(...) | bondedTo(r: Residue) -> bool | | currentLabelOffset(...) | currentLabelOffset() -> chimera.Vector | | findAtom(...) | findAtom(name: unicode) -> Atom | findAtom(name: unicode, altLoc: str) -> Atom | | findRangeAtoms(...) | findRangeAtoms(name: unicode) -> dict of (unicode, list of Atom)) | | hasRibbon(...) | hasRibbon() -> bool | | hasSurfaceCategory(...) | hasSurfaceCategory(category: unicode) -> bool | | labelCoord(...) | labelCoord() -> chimera.Point | | removeAtom(...) | removeAtom(element: Atom) | | ribbonBinormals(...) | ribbonBinormals() -> GeometryVector | | ribbonCenters(...) | ribbonCenters() -> GeometryVector | | ribbonFindStyle(...) | ribbonFindStyle() -> RibbonStyle | | ribbonFindStyleType(...) | ribbonFindStyleType() -> int | | ribbonFindXSection(...) | ribbonFindXSection(mode: int) -> RibbonXSection | | ribbonNormals(...) | ribbonNormals() -> GeometryVector | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Static methods defined here: | | getDefaultRibbonStyle(...) | getDefaultRibbonStyle(ss: int) -> RibbonStyle | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | | altLocs | | atoms | list of Atom | | atomsMap | dict of (unicode, list of Atom)) | | chi1 | | chi2 | | chi3 | | chi4 | | fillColor | chimera.Color | | fillDisplay | bool | | fillMode | int | | hasNucleicAcidSugar | bool | | heavyAtomCount | int | | id | MolResId | | isHelix | bool | | isHet | bool | | isIsolated | bool | | isMetal | bool | | isSheet | bool | | isStrand | bool | | kdHydrophobicity | object | | label | unicode | | labelColor | chimera.Color | | labelOffset | returns 3-tuple (or None if not set) | accepts 3-tuple, Vector, or None | | molecule | Molecule | | numAtoms | int | | phi | | psi | | ribbonColor | chimera.Color | | ribbonData | RibbonData | | ribbonDisplay | bool | | ribbonDrawMode | int | | ribbonResidueClass | RibbonResidueClass | | ribbonStyle | RibbonStyle | | ribbonXSection | RibbonXSection | | ssId | int | | type | unicode | | uniprotIndex | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | RS_ARROW = 3 | | RS_HELIX = 1 | | RS_NUCLEIC = 4 | | RS_SHEET = 2 | | RS_TURN = 0 | | Ribbon_2D = 0 | | Ribbon_Custom = 3 | | Ribbon_Edged = 1 | | Ribbon_Round = 2 | | Thick = 1 | | Thin = 0 | | __new__ = | T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T | | selLevel = 2 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from _chimera.Selectable: | | oslChildren(...) | oslChildren() -> list of Selectable | | oslIdent(...) | oslIdent(start: int = SelDefault, end: int = SelDefault) -> unicode | | oslLevel(...) | oslLevel() -> int | | oslParents(...) | oslParents() -> list of Selectable | | oslTestAbbr(...) | oslTestAbbr(a: OSLAbbreviation) -> bool | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Static methods inherited from _chimera.Selectable: | | count(...) | count() -> int | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors inherited from libwrappy2.WrapPy: | | __destroyed__ | true if underlying C++ object has disappeared