Help on class Molecule in module _molecule: class Molecule(_chimera.Model) | Molecule() -> Molecule | | Method resolution order: | Molecule | _chimera.Model | _chimera.Selectable | libwrappy2.WrapPy | __builtin__.object | | Methods defined here: | | __hash__(...) | x.__hash__() <==> hash(x) | | __init__(...) | x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature | | addPDBHeader(...) | addPDBHeader(k: unicode, h: unicode) | | allRings(...) | allRings(crossResidues: bool, allSizeThreshold: int) -> set of Ring | | atomCoordinatesArray(...) | atomCoordinatesArray() -> object | | atomGroups(...) | atomGroups(numAtoms: int) -> list of list of Atom | | computeIdatmTypes(...) | computeIdatmTypes() | | computeSecondaryStructure(...) | computeSecondaryStructure(energyCutoff: float = -0.5, minHelixLength: int = 3, minStrandLength: int = 3, info: __unknown__ = None) | | decrHyds(...) | decrHyds() | | deleteAtom(...) | deleteAtom(element: Atom) | | deleteBond(...) | deleteBond(element: Bond) | | deleteCoordSet(...) | deleteCoordSet(element: CoordSet) | | deleteResidue(...) | deleteResidue(element: Residue) | | findAtom(...) | findAtom(i: int) -> Atom | | findBond(...) | findBond(i: int) -> Bond | | findBondRot(...) | findBondRot(bond: Bond) -> BondRot | | findCoordSet(...) | findCoordSet(i: int) -> CoordSet | | findResidue(...) | findResidue(i: int) -> Residue | findResidue(rid: MolResId, type: (str|None) = None) -> Residue | | incrHyds(...) | incrHyds() | | indexedAtoms(...) | indexedAtoms(indices: object) -> list of Atom | | loadAllFrames lambda self | | metalComplexGroup = _getMetalPbg(mol, **kw) | | minimumRings(...) | minimumRings(crossResidues: bool = false) -> set of Ring | | moveResAfter(...) | moveResAfter(from: Residue, to: Residue) | | newAtom(...) | newAtom(n: unicode, e: Element, coordIndex: int = -1) -> Atom | | newBond(...) | newBond(a0: Atom, a1: Atom) -> Bond | | newCoordSet(...) | newCoordSet(key: int) -> CoordSet | newCoordSet(key: int, size: int) -> CoordSet | | newResidue(...) | newResidue(t: unicode, rid: MolResId, neighbor: (Residue|None) = None, after: bool = true) -> Residue | newResidue(t: unicode, chain: unicode, pos: int, insert: str, neighbor: (Residue|None) = None, after: bool = true) -> Residue | | numHyds(...) | numHyds() -> int | | primaryAtoms(...) | primaryAtoms() -> list of Atom | | printComponents(...) | printComponents(os: writable file-like) | | pruneShortBonds(...) | pruneShortBonds() | | pseudoBondMgr(...) | pseudoBondMgr(cs: (CoordSet|None) = None) -> PseudoBondMgr | | reorderResidues(...) | reorderResidues(residues: list of Residue) | | residueAfter(...) | residueAfter(r: Residue) -> Residue | | residueBefore(...) | residueBefore(r: Residue) -> Residue | | ribbonCoordinates(...) | ribbonCoordinates(a: Atom) -> chimera.Point | | rootForAtom(...) | rootForAtom(a: Atom, ignoreBreakPoints: bool) -> Root | | roots(...) | roots(ignoreBreakPoints: bool) -> list of Root | | sequence = getSequence(molecule, chainID, **kw) | Get the Sequence of the specified chain | | Uses the getSequences function (below) and accepts the same | keywords. Throws KeyError if the specified chain isn't found, | and AssertionError if there are multiple chains with the | specified ID. | | sequences = getSequences(molecule, asDict=False) | return all non-trivial sequences in a molecule | | This function is also available as molecule.sequences(...) | | returns a list of sequences for the given molecule, one sequence per | multi-residue chain. The sequence name is "Chain X" where X is | the chain ID, or "Principal chain" if there is no chain ID. | | The 'residues' attribute of each sequence is a list of the | residues for that sequence, and the attribute 'resmap' is a | dictionary that maps residue to sequence position (zero-based). | The 'residues' attribute will self-delete if the corresponding | model is closed. | | If 'asDict' is true, return a dictionary of Sequences keyed on | chain ID (can throw AssertionError if multiple chains have same ID), | otherwise return a list. | | setAllPDBHeaders(...) | setAllPDBHeaders(hs: dict of (unicode, list of unicode)) | | setPDBHeader(...) | setPDBHeader(k: unicode, v: list of unicode) | | traverseAtoms(...) | traverseAtoms(root: Root) -> list of Atom | | traverseBonds(...) | traverseBonds(root: Root) -> list of Bond | | updateRibbonData(...) | updateRibbonData() -> bool | | useAsRoot(...) | useAsRoot(newRoot: Atom) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | __dict__ | | activeCoordSet | CoordSet | | aromaticColor | chimera.Color | | aromaticDisplay | bool | | aromaticLineType | int | | aromaticMode | int | | atoms | list of Atom | | atomsMoved | set of Atom | | autochain | bool | | ballScale | float | | bonds | list of Bond | | coordSets | dict of (int, CoordSet) | | idatmValid | bool | | lineType | int | | lineWidth | float | | lowerCaseChains | bool | | mol2comments | list of unicode | | mol2data | list of unicode | | numAtoms | unsigned int | | numBonds | unsigned int | | numResidues | unsigned int | | pdbHeaders | dict of (unicode, list of unicode) | | pdbVersion | int | | pointSize | float | | residueLabelPos | int | | residues | list of Residue | | ribbonHidesMainchain | bool | | ribbonInsideColor | chimera.Color | | ribbonSmoothing | int | | ribbonStiffness | float | | ribbonType | int | | showStubBonds | bool | | stickScale | float | | structureAssigned | bool | | surfaceColor | chimera.Color | | surfaceOpacity | float | | vdwDensity | float | | wireStipple | (int, int) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes defined here: | | CentroidAll = 0 | | CentroidBackbone = 1 | | Circle = 0 | | DefaultBondRadius = 0.20000000298023224 | | DefaultOffset = -1e+99 | | Disk = 1 | | PrimaryAtom = 2 | | RSM_COIL = 2 | | RSM_STRAND = 1 | | RT_BSPLINE = 0 | | RT_CARDINAL = 1 | | __new__ =| T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from _chimera.Model: | | __str__ = _labelFunc(item) | | addAssociatedModel(...) | addAssociatedModel(model: Model, propagateAttrs: bool = true) | | associatedModels(...) | associatedModels() -> list of Model | | bbox(...) | bbox() -> bool, BBox | | bsphere(...) | bsphere() -> bool, Sphere | | destroy(...) | destroy() | | frontPoint(...) | frontPoint(p1: Point, p2: Point) -> bool, float | | intersects(...) | intersects(p: Plane) -> bool | | removeAssociatedModel(...) | removeAssociatedModel(model: Model) | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors inherited from _chimera.Model: | | clipPlane | Plane | | clipThickness | float | | color | Color | | display | bool | | id | int | | name | unicode | | openState | OpenState | | subid | int | | useClipPlane | bool | | useClipThickness | bool | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data and other attributes inherited from _chimera.Model: | | selLevel = 1 | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Methods inherited from _chimera.Selectable: | | oslChildren(...) | oslChildren() -> list of Selectable | | oslIdent(...) | oslIdent(start: int = SelDefault, end: int = SelDefault) -> unicode | | oslLevel(...) | oslLevel() -> int | | oslParents(...) | oslParents() -> list of Selectable | | oslTestAbbr(...) | oslTestAbbr(a: OSLAbbreviation) -> bool | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Static methods inherited from _chimera.Selectable: | | count(...) | count() -> int | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors inherited from libwrappy2.WrapPy: | | __destroyed__ | true if underlying C++ object has disappeared