ChimeraX graphical user interfaces for Phenix tools

Tom Goddard
January 30, 2025
Phenix R24 advisory meeting


R24 Aim 2:
Improve program usability and integration with other community software resources

...including an interface to UCSF's ChimeraX, a visualization and analysis program widely used by the cryo-EM community...

UCSF Team Members: Tom Ferrin, Tom Goddard, Elaine Meng and Eric Pettersen




ChimeraX Use Statistics

Journal citations per year

Registrations, voluntary, cumulative

Downloads per year


Obtaining ChimeraX User Interfaces for Phenix Tools

  • ChimeraX extensions are distributed through the ChimeraX Toolshed web site.
  • Users are notified if updates are available when ChimeraX starts.
  • PhenixUI Toolshed web page shown at left.
  • Both ChimeraX and Phenix must be installed on the researcher's computer.
  • Tutorial video How to use Phenix with ChimeraX by Dorothee Liebschner (2 min 28 seconds).


Current ChimeraX Phenix User Interfaces

Place waters

Local EM fitting

Fit loops


ChimeraX User Interface Development Process


User Interfaces


Water Placement User Interface

Input model, map and parameters

Output table of waters including number of hydrogen bonds

Visualization of water selected in table



All user interfaces have detailed documentation shown in a web browser by pressing the Help button on the user interface. All options and mechanisms for exploring the results are detailed with cross linking to related ChimeraX capabilities.

Water placement documentation


Local EM Fitting User Interface

Video tutorial example made by Dorothee Liebschner (starting at 4:29, about 1 minute).

Input model, maps and parameters

Orange sphere placed with
mouse to define fitting region.

Possible fits shown in a table

Atomic model selected in table
placed at fit position


Fit Loops User Interface

Input model, map and parameters

Output table of one or more built loops

Visualization of new loop (green)


Fit Ligand User Interface

Input model, map and parameters

Orange sphere placed with mouse
defines fitting region

Visualization of ligand fit in density


Additional Proposed User Interfaces

The current Phenix R24 proposes two additional user interfaces. We will probably develop one of them before the current grant ends.

  1. Restraint specification. Allows a user to specify atomic model building constraints in ChimeraX that are then used by Phenix model building algorithms. For example:
  2. Validation. Provides a user interface in ChimeraX for researchers to examine and fix atomic model problems identified by Phenix validation tools such as Molprobity.