[chimera-dev] colors...

Lars Kunert lkunert at mpi-sb.mpg.de
Fri Sep 26 02:41:33 PDT 2003

Hi I do like to color some molecules/atoms

I figured out, that I create a color like this:


But when I apply
this to all the atoms of a molecule, I end up with the following 

>>> for a in m.atoms:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#66>", line 1, in ?
    for a in m.atoms:
RuntimeError: __wrappy__ is missing

I suppose, that colors like "red"are predefined somewhere, where?

Are the different color-levels modell/molecule/atom are just fancy stuff 
for the interactive user? - I colored a molecule first (interactive) 
"byatom" and then tried to alter the coloring by hand:


it did not work, I had to alter the color atomwise...
is color-byatom a function? How can I call it?

Is there a way to "switch on"a history function in the buildin IDLE?
Copy and paste do also not work within the IDLE. I allways have to copy 
and paste via an editor...

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