[Chimera-users] visualizing a confocal image stack

William Beaver wbeaver at cs.ucsd.edu
Tue Sep 19 04:36:20 PDT 2006

Hello.  I have a stack of intensity images (8bit) taken from confocal  
microscopy of dapi expression in Drosophila that I'd like to  
visualize.  I cannot figure out the format that the volume viewer  
requires to view the data; more specifically, none of the formats in  
'registered file types' are familiar to me and I've been unable to  
find anything about them to sort out which format I should convert  
to.   I have read the image sequences into matlab (3d matrix) and can  
write output to just about anything from there if I know the format.

Does anyone have an idea for what the best/easiest/only format I  
should use? A pointer to a spec on the format if it's not something  
trivial (like matlab 'save stack.txt varname -ascii') would be  

If it makes a difference, at some point soon I'd like to visualize  
more channels that just dapi (dll, for example) simultaneously.

Thanks in advance.   I really do appreciate it!

William Beaver
wbeaver at cs.ucsd.edu

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