[Chimera-users] contour levels in Morph Map

Gabor Papai papai at titus.u-strasbg.fr
Wed May 9 05:14:41 PDT 2007

Dear all,

Is it possible with the Morph Map tool to set the contour levels of the 
two maps differently? For e.g. if I would like to morph between a map, 
which is obtained from single particle analysis and has the right 
contour level of 0.2 - and a second map, which is obtained from 
tomography and has the right contour level of 2.2, it gives weird result.
Other question: does somebody consider to make chimera able to read 
Imagic files?
Thanks for the help!

Gabor Papai
Department of Structural Biology and Genomics
1, rue Laurent Fries, BP 10142
67404 Illkirch, France
phone  +33-3-88655748
Fax +33-3-88653201
E-mail: papai at igbmc.u-strasbg.fr

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