[Chimera-users] square of density volume

仁田 亮 ryonitta at m.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tue Apr 13 23:53:11 PDT 2010

Hi Tom, chimera staffs, and users,

I have a question about the vop morph tool.
I want to average two volumes of the electron density map at the  
different rate (for example, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, ...).
I found the vop morph tool which can make an intermediate volume  
between two structures.
So, I used the vop morph tool to average two volumes.  For example,  
to obtain the 1:1 averaging map of two density maps, the step size  
was set at 0.5 and I got a fraction of 0.5 as a 1:1 averaging map.
However, the resolution of the resulting map clearly dropped and the  
map seemed to be vague.
Does some (filtering? smoothing?) effect was included in the vop  
morph tool to decrease the resolution (because the vop morph tool  
should be made to make a smooth varying movie between two structures)?
If so, is there some other chimera tool to simply average two (or  
more) volumes of the density map at the rate of 1:1 (or favorably  
2:1, 3:1,...)?



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