[Chimera-users] Stereo vision with Quadro 600

William Joseph Allen wjallen at vt.edu
Mon Jun 27 08:02:56 PDT 2011

Hello Chimera Users,

I am trying to view molecules in sequential stereo in Chimera (v 1.5.3). When I 
choose Camera -> Sequential Stereo, I get an error that says: "Unable to turn on 
stereo viewing (Unable to find hardware support / couldn't choose pixel format / 
Couldn't configure tool widget)".

Here is a little bit of the background:

The machine is a new Dell desktop running 64-bit Windows 7. I installed a Quadro 
600 graphic cards, and I am using the Nvidia 3D vision wireless glasses kit. The 
version of the Nvidia driver is 275.36, which I believe is the latest version. I 
should also note that I was able to successfully configure VMD and MOE to work 
in Stereo with set up described, so I know that 3D should work, I just can't get 
it to work in Chimera.

Previous messages in the mailing archive seem to indicate that the specific type 
of graphics card or the version of the driver is usually the problem. From what 
I have read, the Quadro 600 should be compatible. I guess my only concern is the 
version of the driver. It seems there was some bugs in the 197.x, 258.x, and 
259.x versions of the driver, and 266.45 was reported to work. I have version 
275.36, should I be worried about a bug or is there something else I missed?

Than you for your help,

William Allen

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