[Chimera-users] Quadro versus GTX graphic cards

Oliver Koch oliver.koch at tu-dortmund.de
Thu Nov 22 05:25:40 PST 2012

Dear Chimera users,

I want to buy new computer for my lab and I'm not sure which graphic 
cards I should buy.

Is it really necessary to invest in expensive nvidia quadro graphic 
cards in comparsion to the nvidia gtx consumer cards?
My private desktop computer has a GTX570 and everything is working fine. 
I searched the internet and talked to a lot of people, but nobody could 
say if you really recognize the difference in your daily work.
The background: I want to use the computer for modelling (Chimera, Moe, 
...) with two screens and stereoview using nvidia 3d vision. The OS will 
be linux (presumably scientific linux).

I would be very happy if you can share your opinion.

Many thanks

Dr. Oliver Koch
Junior Research Group Leader "Medicinal Chemistry"
Chemical Biology
Faculty of Chemistry
Technische Universität
Dortmund Otto-Hahn-Straße 6
44227 Dortmund
EMail: Oliver.Koch at tu-dortmund.de

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