[Chimera-users] Deleting Psubobonds/Connectivity

Dylan J. Bennett dylan.john.bennett at gmail.com
Thu Jul 11 06:11:47 PDT 2013

I was wondering if there was a way to delete psudobonds and connectivity in
Chimera. I use a protein-protein docking software that does not renumber
chains, this results in a structure that has 2 chain As for example. When I
go to analyze this in Chimera, it automatically creates a psudobond between
the two chains with the same ID. Since it thinks they're connected, I can't
rename the chain IDs for just one of them. I know I can hide all the
psubobonds, but this doesn't really help as I still need some of them and
would like to rename the chain IDs uniquely. Thank you.

-*Dylan J. Bennett*
 *Dylan.John.Bennett at Gmail.com
 (914) 621-1149*

 *Stony Brook University*
 *dylan.bennett at stonybrook.edu*

 *New York Medical College*
* BSB Room 102*
* dylan_bennett at NYMC.edu*
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