[Chimera-users] Create an artificial bond between ribbons for 3D printing

David Bhella David.Bhella at glasgow.ac.uk
Tue Apr 28 06:47:54 PDT 2015

Dear Chimera users,

I am trying to prepare a ribbon diagram for 3D printing. As the molecule is a trimer, I would like to create a join between the ribbons such that the model is sent to the printer as a single part.
So, I thought that I might be able to create a bond, but I suspect that the current tools may not be able to achieve this. Ideally I don’t want to have to show side chains, moreover the bond needs to be preserved when exported as STL format and finally it will be quite long.

The only tool that would seem to come close to my requirement is the distance measure, however I can’t see how to convert that pseudo bond to a cylinder that will be exported.

Any suggestions would be gratefully received.


Dr David Bhella
MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
Garscube Campus
464 Bearsden Road
Glasgow G61 1QH
Scotland (UK)

Telephone:  0141-330-3685
Skype: d.bhella

Virus structure group on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CVRstructure
Molecular Machines - Images from Virus Research: http://www.molecularmachines.org.uk

CVR website: http://www.cvr.ac.uk
CVR on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/centreforvirusresearch 

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