[Chimera-users] Help in writing python code

Ankit Agrawal aka895 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 5 20:53:18 PST 2015

I am doing trajectory analysis which has 40000 frames. So for all frames I
wanted to calculate the all three inertia axes. That I did. But problem is
that when I run the python code it starts making all the three axes for
each frames that becomes messy. So I want a little change in my code so
that during trajectory analysis it should create axes but should delete or
hide the previous axes also. So during run I will see only the axes which
are related to that frame.

Here is the python code in per-frame analysis.

from chimera import runCommand
frame = mdInfo['frame']
runCommand("measure inertia #1:0-120 color yellow")
runCommand("measure inertia #1:120-237 color green")


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