[Chimera-users] Addh function and fake N, C-terminii

gaelle garet gaelle.garet at gmail.com
Thu Jul 30 06:42:02 PDT 2015


I want to use Addh function to add hydrogens and protonate N, C-terminii
but I don't understand very well how you detect if a terminus is fake or

For example, for the structure 3L4F, I obtain the following log :

Chain-initial residues that are actual N terminii: MET 586.A, MET 586.B,
MET 586.C
Chain-initial residues that are not actual N terminii: GLY 652.D
Chain-final residues that are actual C terminii: LEU 646.A, LEU 646.B
Chain-final residues that are not actual C terminii: ASP 638.C, ARG 758.D

I don't understand why GLY 652.D, ASP638.C and ARG 758.D are not terminii,
 can you explain me why and how the algorithm detect that ?

Thank you in advance for your answer.

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