[Chimera-users] Surface representation

MARIA CLARA BLANES MIRA c.blanes at goumh.umh.es
Wed Apr 24 10:36:37 PDT 2019

Dear Elaine,
I'm trying to go a little further with the isosurfaces case… I would like to make a movie showing the movements of some lipids when they interact with the protein.  The way you suggested me before works perfectly but now I would like to incorporate the perframe script commands into the first script that I designed, the .com script. And here is where I find find the problem because I can’t move the protein and the lipids as I did with the MD movie window. I am trying to combine both commands, perframe and coordset (I think this is the way to do it with commands) but I only obtain errors.  Is it possible to do the protein and lipids movement part of the movie with commands instead of the MD movie windows?

Here is the .com script:

#protein in isosurface rep
movie record
molmap protein 4 grid 0.6 model 1
volume #1 color #dae4bceb8d98 
~ribbon :.a 
movie crossfade 60

#PC and PA phosphates in sphere rep
repr sphere :DVPC & P
color #aaaa84bdc71c :DVPC & P
movie crossfade 30
2dlabel create l1 text 'Phosphatidylcholine (PC)'   color #84bd4bdaaaaa ypos 0.9 xpos .7 size 68 typeface serif 
wait 30

repr sphere :DVPA & P
movie crossfade 30
color #aaaab425684b :DVPA & P
movie crossfade 30
2dlabel create l2 text 'Phosphatidic Acid    (PA)'   color #4bda71c725ed ypos 0.9 xpos .7 size 68 typeface serif 
movie crossfade 30

#hide tails
~disp :DVPC & C 
~disp :DVPC & H 
~disp :DVPC & O 
~disp :DVPC & N 

~disp :DVPA & C 
~disp :DVPA & H  
~disp :DVPA & O

#select DVPC and DVPA at z > 5 from the protein to make them transparent
select :.A z > 5 & :DVPC
transp 50,a :DVPC
select :.A z > 5 & :DVPA
transp 50,a :DVPA
movie crossfade 30

2dlabel delete *

#select DVPC and DVPA lipids at z < 5 from the protein to create isosurfaces
molmap ":.A z<5 & :DVPC" 4 grid 0.8 model 2
~ disp element.H 
volume #2 color #aaaa84bdc71c
movie crossfade 100

molmap ":.A z<5 & :DVPA" 4 grid 0.8 model 3
~ disp element.H 
volume #3 color #aaaab425684b

At this point this is the representation that I obtain: 

And now it is the time for the trajectories movements...
What I have been trying is:
perframe coordset #1-3 20,50,1   
or perframe "coordset #1-3 20,50,1” and other different variants but I only obtain errors.

Could you help me with this issue, please?,


> El 22 abr 2019, a las 23:15, Elaine Meng <meng at cgl.ucsf.edu> escribió:
> Hi Clara
> (oops sorry for using the wrong name before),
> You can include coloring in the script, e.g.
> volume #1 color blue
> volume #2 color red
> Also to avoid selecting at every frame, you may be able to specify atoms directly in the molmap command, e.g.
> molmap ":.A z<5 & :DVPC” 4 grid 0.8 model 2
> The quotation marks should be plain-text quotation marks, not the fancy curved ones that may be shown in this message because the Mail app changes them automatically.
> I hope this helps,
> Elaine
> -----
> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
> UCSF Chimera(X) team
> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
> University of California, San Francisco
>> On Apr 22, 2019, at 10:43 AM, MARIA CLARA BLANES MIRA <c.blanes at goumh.umh.es> wrote:
>> Hello Elaine,
>> Just what I needed. Thank you very much. Furthermore, the graphics are great!.
>> The only thing I can’t control is the color because they are changing in a rainbow way when I click on the play in MD Movie. I want the protein always for example blue and the the lipids near the protein always in red. I am trying different options in volume color zones but I can’t find the way.
>> This is what I introduced in the per-frame script:
>> molmap protein 4 grid 0.6 model 1
>> select :.A z<5 & :DVPC 
>> molmap sel 4 grid 0.8 model 2
>> And it is great for me because they move but it remains the problem with the colours.  So, is there any way to fix the colours?
>> Thank you very much for your attention!!,
>> clara
>>> El 22 abr 2019, a las 18:22, Elaine Meng <meng at cgl.ucsf.edu> escribió:
>>> Hi Maria,
>>> I see that VMD Quicksurf  makes a density map from the atoms and shows an isosurface.  You can do the same thing in Chimera with the “molmap” command, but the density map is not automatically recalculated at every step of the trajectory.  You would have to use a per-frame script and re-execute molmap at each frame to replace the old map with a new map every time the coordinates change.
>>> The molmap command has a resolution parameter and a grid spacing parameter just like Quicksurf.
>>> <http://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/UsersGuide/midas/molmap.html>
>>> You can test by showing one frame of your trajectory and trying various molmap resolution values, e.g. 2.5 angstroms with separate surfaces for protein and non-protein atoms:
>>> molmap protein 2.5 grid .5 model 1
>>> molmap ~protein 2.5 grid .5 model 2
>>> Another issue is that the isosurface level isn’t controlled in the molmap command but could be controlled in a separate volume command, e.g.:
>>> volume #1 level 0.1
>>> vol #2 level 0.13
>>> If you found commands that worked well enough for you, and you are using MD Movie to view the trajectory, in MD Movie menu: Per-Frame… Define Script and enter these commands as Chimera command script to be executed at each frame.
>>> <http://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/ContributedSoftware/movie/framemovie.html>
>>> <http://www.rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/ContributedSoftware/movie/movie.html#per-frame>
>>> I hope this helps,
>>> Elaine
>>> -----
>>> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
>>> UCSF Chimera(X) team
>>> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
>>> University of California, San Francisco
>>>> On Apr 21, 2019, at 11:57 AM, MARIA CLARA BLANES MIRA <c.blanes at goumh.umh.es> wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I would like to know if Chimera could show the surfaces like VMD does with the  command QuickSurf (I attach the image with the protein in yellow and the lipids in green). 
>>>> I have been trying with a lot of different variations of the surface command but I can not find the way to make the surface ’softer'….
>>>> I have also been trying with spheres representation but the image shows too much information. I need a simplest view, similar to the image because this way it is easier see them move in the .dcd file.  It not so important for the protein, just for the lipids.
>>>> Could you help me with this, please?
>>>> Thank you very much,
>>>> clara

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