[Chimera-users] animation commands in a morph movie

Natesh Singh natesh.singh at univ-lille.fr
Fri May 31 05:21:54 PDT 2019

Dear Chimera development team,

I am trying to add a simple animation into the morphed trajectory that was developed using two unique conformations (protein and proten-ligand complex). I want the ligand to fly into the binding site (of course ligand is not considered in the morph since it was not a part of a chain), but I guess this could be done.

contents of my model panel.
ID 0 ligand surface
ID 0 conformation A (protein-ligand complex)
ID 1 conformation B (protein)
ID 2 Morph (400 frames)

I am adding the following commands into the perframe box of md movie:

# Save bound view.
savepos p1

# Move ligand away and save unbound view.
move y -10 model #0 ; turn z -30 model #0 center #0
scale 0.2
savepos p2

#fly ligand into the binding site
reset p1 100

But it's not working the way I want. I just want the ligand to fly slowly into its original position may be within 25-50 frames.
Could we execute the commands at a specific frame number? Kindly let me know what would be the correct commands to achieve this effect.

Many thanks for your help.
University of Lille

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