Prabuddha Bhattacharya b.prabuddha3 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 1 11:43:57 PDT 2019

Dear Chimera,

I have been facing a problem recently while using UCSF Chimera. After
opening the structure of ligands in the chimera window as .pdb file, when
ever I am trying to minimize the energy (Tools-->Structure
Editing-->Minimize Structure) of that ligand in (which is in .pdb form), I
am getting the following error message: "Failure running ANTECHAMBER for
residue". I am using "AMBER ff14SB" (for standard residues) and "Gasteiger"
(for other non-standard residues).

Upon trying out with "AM1-BCC"  (for other non-standard residues), I am
getting an altered compound so that cannot be perhaps tried.

Kindly find attached the .pdb files for the ligands I am trying to minimize
the energy, and a word file containing the screen shots of the step-by-step
messages leading to the error message that I am getting.

I will be highly grateful if you can help me in sorting out the problem.

Thanks in advance,

Best Regards,

*Prabuddha Bhattacharya *
*Assistant Professor*
*Adamas University*
*Kolkata 700126*
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