[Chimera-users] Saving changes made in PDB files

Liam fletcher lfletcher87 at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Apr 14 15:04:41 PDT 2020

Good day,

I am hoping you may be able to help me with an enquire I have for current work I am performing using the Chimera software for my final year project.

I am attempting to save a PDB file separately following changes made e.g. Highlighted reside(s), change the background. I am having trouble in saving these files separately. More specifically, I am attempting to save different file versions where changes have been made to the protein for predicting the function.

Is there a way to save these PDB files as I have been following the instruction. But, I am confusion about which of these instructions is the right instructions to use.

I thank you in advance and hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,

Liam Fletcher

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