[Chimera-users] Chimera X - Windows 7 home premium

Greg Couch gregc at cgl.ucsf.edu
Wed Jul 8 10:14:39 PDT 2020

(This is a ChimeraX question, so sending the reply to the chimerax-users 
mailing too.)

Looking at the image, the three gray boxes are icons for previously 
opened data files.  To get an interactive 3D image, you would need to 
open an appropriate data file.  If you type in the command "open 3rec" 
and press Enter/Return afterwards to open PDB model 3rec, does an 
interactive 3D image show up?

If you can't get an interactive 3D image, then you probably need a newer 
graphics driver.  I'd recommend going to the Lenovo support web site and 
installing a newer graphics driver.  If the driver from Lenovo doesn't 
fix the problem, then you'll need to get one directly from Intel at 
https://downloadcenter.intel.com/. From the DxDiag.txt output, you have 
a 2nd generation i7 with HD Graphics 3000 driver version  
Lenovo has version from 6/9/2011 for your computer.  On the 
Intel site, I see that version from 6/5/2015 is available.

And you should know that we don't test ChimeraX on Windows 7, so 
technically you are on an unsupported platform.  That said, we are 
unaware of anything that would prevent ChimeraX from running on Windows 
7.  However, with the age of your laptop, you should consider switching 
from Windows to Ubuntu (Linux).  Intel is still supporting the Linux 
graphics driver for older systems.



On 7/8/2020 7:29 AM, MONICA MESA CADAVID wrote:
>  I would like to use the new Chimera X.
> I installed and open the program easily.
> But the images did not appear.
> I attach the information of my computer because I would like to know 
> if I can fix the problem.
> Thank you
> *
> *
> image.png
> *Monica Mesa Cadavid*
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