[Chimera-users] coloring the volume series

Arto Pulk arto.pulk at ut.ee
Mon Jan 25 03:21:41 PST 2021

Dear all,

I would like to make a movie using volume series. I have 10 maps (from Relion) that I upload to volume series.
Now I would like to color the moving parts of the map.
One can use zone coloring, but it does not do the precise job to color specific volumes of the map as it is radius specific.
Then there is "surface coloring" by "volume data value". I can make a mask and color the mask region, but it makes the color gradient and I do not have control of the region outside of the mask at it will be mixture of colors.
The best way to color is to use "segment map" and then go to "Regions" and "color density map". It does good job to color specific map volumes but the colors are not permanent. If you Play the Volme Series then colors vanish.
So, is there any good way to color Volume Series?


Institute of Technology

University of Tartu

Nooruse 1

50411, Tartu


Dr. Arto Pulk

email: arto.pulk at ut.ee

phone: 58244846

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