[Chimera-users] Question about error: "the exit code was: -1073731819"

Sergio Garay sergio.alberto.garay at gmail.com
Thu May 13 11:57:28 PDT 2021

Dear Chimera Users
My name is Sergio Garay, I have installed chimera-1.15-win64.exe on Windows
10pro 64bit. But when the program starts to run, the system gives me the
following error message and the program closes:

chimera exited abnormally; the exit code was: -1073731819.
use the -- debug command line option for the full error message

 I tried installing the two previous versions of the program, with the same
My PC has a Radeon RX 580 series videocard, and the system uses a WDDM 2.7
video controller.

Could you give me any advice on how to fix this problem?

*Prof. Dr. Sergio Garay*
*Càtedra de Práctica Profesional de Bioquímica*
*Cátedra de Bioinformática*

*Facultad de Bioquimica y Cs. BiológicasUniversidad Nacional del
LitoralSanta Fe - ArgentinaC.C. 242 - Ciudad Universitaria - C.P.
S3000ZAAArgentinaPh. +54 (342) 4575-213Fax. +54 (342) 4575-221 *
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