[Chimera-users] No MMTK name for atom "H" in standard residue "GLY"

Marco Sette sette at uniroma2.it
Sat Nov 12 03:15:49 PST 2022

Dear all,

i'm trying to minimize a peptide (Tools, Structure editing, Minimize 
Structure) but I obtain this error message: No MMTK name for atom "H" in 
standard residue "GLY".

I have a Gly in position 1, does this depends on the NH protonation?

Also, I fixed most of the residues, including Gly 1, trying to minimize 
a small region (Fixed Atoms: selected, in minimize panel) but still have 
the same errors.

How can I solve it?

Thanks for your help,



Dr Marco Sette, PhD.
Department of Chemical Sciences and Technology
University of Rome, "Tor Vergata"
via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133, Rome, Italy
e-mail: sette at uniroma2.it
Tel.: +39-0672594424

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