[chimerax-users] undo/redo move?

Conrad Huang conrad at cgl.ucsf.edu
Mon Feb 17 19:43:41 PST 2020

Hi, Oli.

I think undo actually works with the "move" /command/.  I assume that 
you're talking about being able to undo a rotation/translation via the 
mouse.  The problem with that has always been the user interface.

Currently, if you issue a "move" or "turn" command, you can type "undo" 
to revert the change.  So take the case where you change the model 
color, then issue a "move" command.  Clearly, an "undo" at that point 
should undo the "move".  However, if you rotated the model using the 
mouse, should "undo" revert the motion or the color change?

An obvious workaround is to have a separate undo stack for transforms 
made using the mouse than for commands.  But then undoing a transform 
made using a command requires a different action than undoing a 
transform made using the mouse.  It is inelegant, but maybe that is an 
acceptable option if we cannot think of any better way to do this.

Lesser sticking points:

- when do we record a view that you can "undo" to?  If there is no 
motion for a couple seconds?
- how many times can you undo a transform?  (The command undo stack has 
a limit, but a transform undo stack probably should have a different limit.)

Elaine is right in that we are stretched thin, but we are still very 
interested in (re)implementing features that people find useful.  It 
just may not happen as quickly as we like.


On 2/17/2020 10:16 AM, Elaine Meng wrote:
> Hi Oli,
> I don’t know of any plans for undo movement, since that is mostly done with interactive mouse manpulation rather than commands.  For now all I can say is use “view name” to save any important set of positions:
> <http://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/commands/view.html#name>
> I know this requires forethought and usually (speaking for myself) one thinks of this too late.  Still, if you know that you might want to return to the specific view, it is very helpful.
> Best,
> Elaine
> -----
> Elaine C. Meng, Ph.D.
> UCSF Chimera(X) team
> Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
> University of California, San Francisco
>> On Feb 16, 2020, at 5:14 PM, Oliver Clarke <olibclarke at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I like the expanded undo/redo capabilities in Chimerax - particularly having the capacity to undo selection/deselection and color commands is very helpful. However it seems like there is no undo/redo move functionality. I find myself using this a lot in Chimera, is there any possibility of incorporating this into Undo/Redo in ChimeraX? Basically adding the possibility to Undo/Redo translation, rotation and scaling?
>> Cheers
>> Oli
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