[chimerax-users] Cupy dependency for ChimeraX bundle

Arthur Ecoffet arthurecoffet at gmail.com
Tue Jun 9 06:17:47 PDT 2020


I am currently trying to develop a bundle for ChimeraX and the methods
implemented can both run on GPU (using Cupy with a Cuda dependency) or on

I am wondering how to deal with this "pseudo-dependency" with cupy, since
it is not necessary to run the code but it is more computationally
If a Cupy dependency is written in the "bundle_info.xml" file, will it
create errors for computers without Nvidia Cuda installed ?

Is there any way for users to install supplemental package by hand directly
in chimeraX python as it was possible with Chimera ? Or is the only
solution to add by hand a dependency line in the xml file ?

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