[chimerax-users] Secondary structure display - pdb and cif

Marta Perez Illana marta.perez at cnb.csic.es
Wed Mar 4 03:36:49 PST 2020

Hi Stephan

I am not an expert at all but I think I was having similar problems as 
you are mentioning...

In our case uploading the file to the pdb validation/deposition systems 
and getting back either of  the generated files was nicely fixing our 
problems... Maybe you have already tried this simple thing or maybe is 
worthy to give it a trial

  * (validation is quicker: upload summary "converted file name")
  * (deposition requires to fill in stuff with whole sequence: re-upload
    files "converted file name")

(Although the pdb_ extract tool was not useful for us right now as 
somehow some weird stuff in the loops was appearing...)



P.D. Also working here with huge molecules

On 04/03/2020 09:58, Tetter Stephan wrote:
> Dear  all,
> I am having an issue with secondary structure display. I am real-space 
> refining a set of 120 chains in phenix. Of these, only 10 are unique, 
> the rest is symmetry-related. Thus, I define secondary structure 
> elements for the 10 unique chains only. The output pdb file header 
> contains the secondary structure elements as imposed during 
> refinement. Displaying this pdb file in ChimeraX shows the right 
> secondary structure. The mmcif file instead, whether I use the phenix 
> output or generate it from the pdb myself, displays different, 
> non-sensical structures. Secondary structure is shown in loop regions, 
> and some actual strands and helices not recognized at all. This 
> artifact is only shown for the 10 subunits with secondary structure 
> definitions, the other subunits show no secondary structure at all, 
> thus something is read in, but not correctly, apparently. Any idea 
> what the problem could be? Could the size of the complex be an issue?
> The attachments show the lines from the two file types concerning 
> secondary structure definitions.
> Kind regards,
> Stephan
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