[chimerax-users] Problems with making movie in chimerax

Nandish Kumar Khanra nkk2001 at med.cornell.edu
Wed May 6 15:33:02 PDT 2020

Hello all,

I want to make a movie of a multi-domain protein between two functional states using Chimerax. One domain undergoes drastic conformational change while there is virtually no structural change in another domain. I did the following steps to make the movie.

  *   Aligned two models using matchmaker,

mm #1 to #2 pair ss ss false

  *   make morph

morph #1,2 frames 100 play false cartesian true

  *   make movie

movie record size 1000,1000

coordset #3

wait 100

movie encode output ~/Desktop/movie1.mp4 quality higher framerate 25 roundTrip true

The stationary domain of two functional states aligned perfectly after structural alignment, but I do see motions in that domain in the movie. Am I doing anything wrong? Is there a way to overcome this?



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