[chimerax-users] Set up to take pictures of structure with a specific angle

EMILIE MONTELLIER emilie.montellier at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr
Tue Nov 24 00:45:47 PST 2020

Dear ChimeraX users, 

I have worked on p53 structure, and the goal was to highlight certain residues on the structure. I have about 10 files of the same p53 structure (same PDB) with different groups of residues highlighted and now I would like to take pictures of them with the same display of the protein (same angle, rotation) in order to compare the 10 pictures together on a same figure. Is there a way to copy the angle/rotation of one p53 structure, and to apply it to another p53 structure? 

Also, is there a way to increase specifically the thickness of what is not alpha helix or beta sheet (the kind "spaghetti" structure)? 

Thanks by advance for your help, 



Emilie Montellier, PhD 

MSCA Post-doctoral Researcher 
Institute for Advanced Biosciences - Grenoble, France 
Prof. Pierre Hainaut's laboratory 
Tel: +33 (0)4 76 54 95 76 
Email: emilie.montellier at univ-grenoble-alpes.fr 
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