[chimerax-users] Session Initiation Error

Tom Goddard goddard at sonic.net
Thu Apr 22 09:37:40 PDT 2021

Hi Alexander,

  Your error says it can't import libpython3.7m.so the Python language system library.  That suggests that you ran your test.py script in a strange way.  A few ways to run your Python script are

	$ chimerax test.py

Don't start a graphical user interface.

	$ chimerax --nogui.py

Start ChimeraX and after it starts use a ChimeraX command to open the script

	$ chimerax
	ChimeraX command "open test.py"



> On Apr 22, 2021, at 8:34 AM, Alexander Julian <ajulian at hawk.iit.edu> wrote:
> Good morning,
> I am currently trying to create a python script that hides atoms and shows ribbons in a .pdb file.
> However, I am getting an error while trying to initialize a session. I've been trying to debug the problem to the best of my ability, but I am unable to figure out the issue.
> My code:
> ```
> import chimerax.core.session as cxsession
> session = cxsession.Session('name')
> ```
> My error:
> ```
>  File "./test.py", line 15, in <module>
>     session = cxsession.Session('name')
>   File "/opt/UCSF/ChimeraX/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chimerax/core/session.py", line 437, in __init__
>     self.app_name = app_name
>   File "/opt/UCSF/ChimeraX/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chimerax/core/session.py", line 508, in __setattr__
>     if not name.startswith('_') and self.snapshot_methods(value, base_type=StateManager) is not None:
>   File "/opt/UCSF/ChimeraX/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chimerax/core/session.py", line 535, in snapshot_methods
>     from .serialize import PRIMITIVE_TYPES
>   File "/opt/UCSF/ChimeraX/lib/python3.7/site-packages/chimerax/core/serialize.py", line 42, in <module>
>     from ._serialize import msgpack_serialize_stream, msgpack_deserialize_stream, PRIMITIVE_TYPES
> ImportError: libpython3.7m.so.1.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
> ```
> I look forward to your assistance.
> Best,
> Alexander
> -- 
> Alexander T. Julian
> PhD Student, Department of Biology, Microbiology
> Bachelor of Science, Biomedical Engineering, Cell and Tissue Specialization 2021
> Master of Advanced Study, Chemical Engineering 2021
> Illinois Institute of Technology
> Chicago, IL 60616
> Phone (727)-735-7104
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