[chimerax-users] Python API Inquiry

Nathan Wood woodn at ufl.edu
Tue Jun 29 19:25:04 PDT 2021

To Whom it May Concern,

My name is Nathan Wood and I am currently a Google Summer of Code Intern
with the OpenChemistry Group. Currently I am currently in the process of
replacing Visualizing Molecular Dynamics (VMD) with ChimeraX as a means
to visualizing computationally generated electrostatic potential
diagrams. To accomplish this I am having to use the Python API in a script.

However, I am having difficulties enabling the Python API. When I
execute a Tutorials example found in the online developer's
documentation, I receive the error:

/ImportError: No module named chimerax.core.commands//

which suggests that the python modules were never installed properly. I
also recieve similar errors when attempting to import the toolshed.

Otherwise, the ChimeraX GUI and its shell work properly and I am unsure
how to resolve the API error.

I am currently using the Generic Linux 64 Bit Daily Release and can
provide more information if necessary.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated


Very Respectfully,

Nathan Wood

Undergraduate Year 3, GSOC Intern

University of Florida

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