[chimerax-users] Fit in map sequentially with global search?

Oliver Clarke olibclarke at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 12:51:34 PST 2021


I frequently use the "global search" option of fitmap in chimera to identify the orientation of proteins or fragments in my map.

Fitmap has an option, "sequence", allowing the sequential fitting of multiple structures to a map, after subtracting the density corresponding to the previous fit, but this is not compatible with global search.

Would it be possible to add an option to fitmap in ChimeraX such that it considers clashes with designated existing models?

This would be useful when one is trying to fit the density of a weakly occupied binding partner in the context of a larger known structure. Presently, when one uses fitmap with global search in such a case, the binding partner frequently gets sucked in to the stronger density for the host protein, even when the density for the binding partner is visually clear.


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