[chimerax-users] Research associate / Group leader position at the University of Luebeck (Northern Germany)

Guido Hansen hansen at biochem.uni-luebeck.de
Mon Jun 20 09:52:05 PDT 2022

The Institute of Biochemistry (Director: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Krey) at 
the University of Luebeck has an opening for a position as a

*Research associate / Group leader (m/w/d)*

  in full-time (currently 38.7 hours per week) for an initial period of 
4 years. Within the position, the opportunity for further qualification 
(habilitation) is given.

*Main areas of activity:*

  * Own research (incl. acquisition of third-party funding) on topics in
    structural infectiology
  * Supervision of technical assistants, bachelor, master and doctoral
  * Co-responsibility for the cryo-electron microscope planned at the site
  * Organisation and implementation of teaching (in English) in
    biochemistry for the Molecular Life Sciences programme (lectures,
    practicals, seminars, performance review and booking, preparation of
  * Participation in teaching (in German) in biochemistry for medical
    students (lectures, practicals, seminars and their performance
    review and booking)


  * Completed university degree in a natural science or medical
    programme, e.g. biochemistry, molecular life sciences, chemistry or
  * Completed or nearly completed PhD thesis in natural sciences
    (defense in 2022), preferably in the field of structural infectiology
  * Proven research focus in the field of structural infectiology
  * Experience in the field of cryo-electron microscopy
  * Experience in teaching natural sciences and/or human medicine (in
    German and English)

More information can be found here


Please contact Prof. Dr. Thomas Krey (krey at biochemie.uni-luebeck.de) for 
any further questions, and send your written application with the usual 
documents (cover letter with research interests, curriculum vitae, 
references) summarised in a single PDF document by July 4^th , 2022 
(*date of receipt*) at the latest to*bewerbung at uni-luebeck.de*, quoting 
the reference number*1043/22*.

Best wishes


*Prof. Dr. Thomas Krey*

University of Luebeck

*University of Lübeck
Institute of Biochemistry*

phone: +49-451-3101-3100
fax: +49-451-3101-3104
e-mail: krey at biochem.uni-luebeck.de <mailto:krey at biochem.uni-luebeck.de>
www.biochem.uni-luebeck.de <http://www.biochem.uni-luebeck.de>

Ratzeburger Allee 160
23562 Lübeck

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