[chimerax-users] Model number of geometric objects(axes, planes)

Shubham Devesh Ramgoolam sdramgoolam at uwaterloo.ca
Wed May 11 04:33:46 PDT 2022

I hope you are doing well.

I am writing a python script to do the following:

  1.  Define planes and axes
  2.  Measure the angle between specific planes and between specific plane and axis

The issue I am facing is that I need the model number of these geometric objects when using the command angle. Is there a command that will give the model number of the geometric objects? (In chimera, I would assign a number to the geometric objects when defining them and I would refer to it in the command angle. In chimeraX, I could assign a name to the geometric object but the command angle accept only model number for axes and planes.)


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