[chimerax-users] Removing text labels generated with command distance

Shubham Devesh Ramgoolam sdramgoolam at uwaterloo.ca
Sat May 14 23:57:02 PDT 2022

I hope you are doing well.
I have a python script, to be executed in nogui mode, which does the following:
              -open a pdb file
-define centroids for specific residues
-draw pseudobonds between specific residues -> I am using the command distance for this purpose

The issue arises when I have to save the session (.cxs) when in nogui mode, I am getting this error:
QGuiApplication::font(): no QGuiApplication instance and no application font set.

I believe it is because of the text labels created by the command distance. So, I included the following in my code: run(session, ‘hide #2.*’) and I can now save the session.

I noticed in the model panel that the pdb file is assigned to #1 and the pseudobond to #2. The text labels are created as a submodel of the pseudobond (so #2.1, 2.2,..), hence why the ‘hide #2.*’

Will this fix always work? Is the model assignment also dependent on the pdb file being opened?


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