[chimerax-users] Making a movie from a group in PDB file

Aleksandar Donev donev at courant.nyu.edu
Mon Feb 20 18:20:10 PST 2023

On 2/20/23 11:35 AM, Elaine Meng wrote:
> Then there will be playback slider GUI, and/or you can use the separate command "coordset" to play it back (e.g. within a movie command script).   See ChimeraX trajectories help, and links therein:
> <https://rbvi.ucsf.edu/chimerax/docs/user/trajectories.html>

Thanks for the help. I was able to play a movie and save it, but there 
is still a problem.

What I did was:

open animnew.pdb coordset true

graphics rate maxFrameRate 2

movie record format png

movie record directory Movies # Doesn't seem to do anything since no 
frame files (.png) saved there

but then if I try

movie encode framerate 2 quality higher output Movies/DemoMD.mp4

chimerax gives me an error that no frames have been recorded.

If I do

coordset #1

a movie gets recorded but with the default options. The only way I got 
my options in movie encode to apply was to execute the movie command in 
the middle of the animation playback before it ended, but that excluded 
a few frames at the end and is clearly inconvenient.

How do I record and set the encode options at the same time?

Also, is there a way to save the frames as .png files in a directory?



Aleksandar Donev, Professor of Mathematics
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Office: 1016 Warren Weaver Hall, New York University
E-mail: donev at courant.nyu.edu
Phone: (212) 992-7315; Fax: (212) 995-4121
Mailing address: 251 Mercer St, New York, NY 10012
Web: http://cims.nyu.edu/~donev

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