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Command: blastprotein

blastprotein  sequence  [ database  sequence-database ] [ version  1 | 2 | 3 ] [ matrix  similarity-matrix ] [ cutoff  evalue ] [ maxSeqs  M ] [ log  true | false ] [ name  N ] [ showResultsTable  true | false ] [ loadStructures  true | false ] [ showSequenceAlignment  true | false ] [ onlyBest  true | false ]

The blastprotein command runs a protein sequence similarity search using a BLAST web service hosted by the UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics (RBVI). It is the command implementation of the Blast Protein tool. One use is to search with a target sequence of unknown structure to find templates for comparative modeling.

The related tool Foldseek (Similar Structures) can also search with BLAST and other methods, but only using a structure chain as the query; it facilitates exploring large sets of similar structures by efficiently showing them in 3D as backbone traces and in 2D as sequence alignment schematics or scatter plots based on conformation. See also: similarstructures blast, similarstructures fromblast, alphafold search, esmfold search

The query sequence can be given as any of the following:

The protein sequence-database to search can be:

The matrix option indicates which amino acid similarity-matrix to use for alignment scoring (uppercase or lowercase can be used):

The cutoff evalue is the maximum or least significant E-value needed to qualify as a hit (default 1e-3). Results can also be limited with the maxSeqs option (default 100); this is the maximum number of unique sequences to return; more hits than this number may be obtained because multiple structures or other sequence-database entries may have the same sequence.

The remaining options control what happens when the search completes:

UCSF Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics / November 2024