[chimerax-users] pixel size

Yazan Abbas yazan.abbas at gmail.com
Wed Jul 31 16:43:24 PDT 2019


I am trying to create a scale bar using the following method:

   1. camera is set to ortho
   2. save image image.png width 4000 height 4000 transparentBackground true
   3. check pixel size in chimeraX using the zoom command (which shows
   Pixel size at center of rotation is 0.178)
   4. in imageJ, set the scale to be 0.178Å/pixel which turns into 5.618
   5. Show scale bar of desired in length in ImageJ

However, the resulting scale bar looks unusually small given the dimensions
of my particle. Have I misunderstood something about the pixelSize
settings? The user guide doesn't say anything about pixelSize when one of
or both of width and height are specified in the same image command, so I
assumed the pixel size of the saved image would be the same as in the
graphics window.


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