[chimerax-users] Smaller map when volume eraser

Marta Perez Illana marta.perez at cnb.csic.es
Thu Apr 30 02:36:15 PDT 2020

Hi all

  * I know that when performing volume zone, we can set minimal
    Boundaries true, so we get a smaller map compared to the original.

  * Volume eraser gives zeroes, but as far as I understand, the size of
    the map is kept.

My maps are huge and my laptop is as it is. I am wondering if there is 
any option of, instead of getting zeroes when erasing, getting rid of 
this values and get a new, and smaller map, to work with lighter maps. I 
use  the volume zone, and reduce boundaries, but sometimes is more 
convenient the erase tool...

Regards and thanks!


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