[chimerax-users] Change default volume display settings?

Eric Pettersen pett at cgl.ucsf.edu
Tue Jun 8 10:56:24 PDT 2021

> On Jun 1, 2021, at 9:44 AM, Tom Goddard <goddard at sonic.net> wrote:
> Also it would be interesting to add SEQCROW capability Tony Schaefer described to run certain commands when a model of a given type (volume, atomic structure) are opened to the ChimeraX core.

The SEQCROW capability is for models of a certain format (e.g., PDB, cube, Mol2), not type/class.  Chimera had "New Molecules" and "New Surfaces" preference categories.  I suppose ChimeraX could have a "New Models" settings category, with subsections for various model types, where you could specify commands to run when models of that type were opened.


	Eric Pettersen
	UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

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