[chimerax-users] Independent centres of rotation

Shahid, Taha (Dr.) ts387 at leicester.ac.uk
Thu Jun 10 14:40:51 PDT 2021

Hi Tom,

I mean to do the former (rotate models together each about their own centre using a mouse/trackpad), i.e. so one could compare different maps of the same structure simultaneously from the same view.

Basically, if the 'set independent’ function from old Chimera could be ported to ChimeraX – it would be a significant facilitation for structural biologists.

Thank you!


On 10 Jun 2021, at 22:04, Tom Goddard <goddard at sonic.net<mailto:goddard at sonic.net>> wrote:

Hi Taha,

 Is the idea you want the mouse mode to rotate models each about their own center, or you want to record a movie rotating all in parallel?  The ChimeraX mouse mode does not support it.  But you can record a movie with a command file spin.cxc like this:

movie record
turn y 1 360 model #1
turn y 1 360 model #2
turn y 1 360 model #3
turn y 1 360 model #4
wait 360
movie encode spin.mp4


On Jun 10, 2021, at 1:24 PM, Shahid, Taha (Dr.) via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users at cgl.ucsf.edu<mailto:chimerax-users at cgl.ucsf.edu>> wrote:


Is there a method, even if an indirect one via a long command or a series of commands, to set independent rotation centres for a series of (cryo-EM) maps that would then turn together. This could be easily achieved by 'set independent' in the original Chimera, and is much missed by our group of structural biologists.

Kudos otherwise on a wonderful upgrade to the program.

Many thanks,

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