[chimerax-users] Global Diffusion Tensor Models

Gupta, Arun Arun.Gupta at warwick.ac.uk
Tue Mar 16 13:21:38 PDT 2021

Dear ChimeraX team,

I am interested in generating Global diffusion tensor geometry models such as Prolate, Ellipsoid, Oblate or Sphere with overlaid protein PDB or structure of my interest. (As shown in attached pic). I am using diffusion tensor prediction module provided in ROTDIF software (http://gandalf.umd.edu/FushmanLab/pdsw.html) to generate an ellipsoid  diffusion tensor of a protein molecule of my interest.
Is it possible that I can use ROTDIF generated output (Which is in Pymol output format, please find attached ) to open in ChimeraX with my protein PDB, to render such representative figure ?


Arun Gupta PhD, MRSC
Research Fellow
Challis & Lewandowski Group
Chemistry Department
University of Warwick
Gibbet Hill Road
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
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